Monday, June 14, 2010

My First Canning Experience

As mentioned yesterday Tony picked plums from our tree. I went out today and bought every thing I need to make home made jam. I had a feeling I would not have enough plums so I bought peaches to go with it. Why not more plums? Well stupid me just thought of that now but I had it in my head that peaches and plums would make a nice combination.

The first thing I had to do was cut up the plums. With how small they are that was not working for me so I placed the plums over my 4 cup measuring cup and smashed them until the pit came out. My hands were very red and the juices were all over. I started to get the hang of it and was speeding up until…wait for it…a plum splattered all over my face. I looked like I should have been a victim on Friday the 13th. Not only did it cover my face but it was all over my dress and apron. I quickly washed my self off and put my dress in the wash. That now leaves me in my panties and an apron. I am not ruining another dress. After the plums were pitted I only had about 2 ½ cup and I needed 5 cups. So I cut up the peaches and it got me just about 5 cups. I put the peaches, plums, sugar, and water in the pot and begin cooking it. I was reading the recipe for the plum jam and the recipe for the peach jam while my mixture was cooking. The peach jam called for sure-jell and the plum did not. Well maybe I should put in a half packet? I dumped in a half packet and figure what the heck, I will dump in the whole thing. What is the worst that could happen? The peaches were still a bit too big to me so I got out a potato masher and smashed them. Not sure if that was canning etiquette but it worked. Etiquette…coming from the woman in an apron and panties.

I filled three cans with jam and started to prepare them to go into the water to seal. I may have been wearing an apron but it does not even begin to cover my huge knockers. It sure was dangerous cooking with just two pieces of clothing on but I had no idea what to expect as far as jam bubbling and shooting in the air. The jam was the least of my worried when it came to the boiling water. When I pulled the basket of cans out of the water I had hot, boiling water splash on my chest. OUCH! I have no idea what the jam tastes like and will not be able to find out until tomorrow. At least it looks pretty in the cans! I took some pictures of me cooking over the stove from the back side. They are hilarious! I also discovered I could be a rear end stunt double for Jennifer Aniston. I was laughing so hard over the picture and I had to send it to Tony at work. I did not tell him what it was and he opened it up and it took up his entire computer screen which is about 22 inches! He laughed and told me to warn him next time in case someone was in his cube.

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