Monday, June 7, 2010

First Month of Unemployment

May 5th was a day that seemed like any other day for me. I woke up, took a shower, and logged onto my computer to start my hectic day working on a bank merger. Then my meeting came at 9:30 with my manager. I was being let go on Friday. The bank was millions over budget on the project I was working on and I was one of the many contractors that would be let go...three years early. My manager told me she did not expect me to do any work the next few days and I just do what I needed to do. The following day of work she emailed me a letter of recommendation and job links. How many managers would do that for you?

The following weeks were ups and downs for me. I had two in person interviews and several phone calls. The job I really wanted at another bank was given to someone who was already employed. URG!

My husband and I tried cancelling our vacation to Curacao but our travel insurance claim was denied since I was not employed with my employer for three years straight. What the heck is the point of travel insurance then? We still took the trip and so glad we did. It was amazing. Our hotel was free through my Marriott points so we just had to pay for meals and a dog sitter.

So here I am exactly one month from my last day of work. I have a very supportive husband that tells me not to take the first job that comes by and wait for the job that is right for me. He is able to work overtime to make up for my lost income. With his job and my unemployment we are still able to pay all of our bills with some cut backs. I thought I would get a new job right away since I have a MBA but since I did not I figured I would write my way through unemployment by blogging. I know this introduction has been pretty boring but I assure you it will get interesting!

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