Friday, June 25, 2010

Friends that Drink and Drive

Would you have the guts to chew out a friend that drinks and drives? I did just that yesterday. My friend that drinks and drives claims it is only once in a while and last time we talked about it she said she would never do it again. To give some history, her friend rolled her car a year ago with her in it. Alcohol was involved. She quit drinking for a while and was a great person. She even came to visit me in NC and at this time she had been sober for a few months and was slowly starting to drink alcohol again. We had a blast together. This year I start seeing postings on facebook about hangovers, comments about how much she was drinking, even a post about how she had to pull over to puke. I started getting worried about her. She did admit to me she was drinking and driving after she denied it for a while. A week or two ago she put pictures on facebook of her and her friends drinking while driving. I tried talking to her about that and told her open intoxicants are treated as drunk driving when it comes to insurance and the laws and that she may want to take the pictures down since they can be used against her. Her response is she does not care anymore.

Yesterday I lost it on her after so many times of trying to be nice. I put a picture on facebook of a church bulletin that said “Honk if you love Jesus. Text and drive if you want to meet him.” I found humor in the picture and it takes harsh comments like that to get through to people. She told me it was not funny and posted a link to a British PDA about texting while driving. It takes a lot for me to lose it on someone. She finds texting and driving offensive but not drinking and driving. My response was “this is coming from someone that drinks and drives.” And you can imagine how it went on from there. I don’t think she is a bad person but she makes bad choices. She told me how her cousin was paralyzed by a drunk driver a few months ago and learned her lesson. If she learned her lesson she would not have been in a vehicle with other people drinking and driving. Now I am not trying to make her seem like a raging alcoholic. She may go out once a week or so. It is what she does when it comes to getting into a vehicle with people that are drinking or when she decides to drive. When we discussed her drinking and driving a few months ago she said my life my choice.

Another one of my good friends almost lost her cousin to a drunk driver so it has been hard for me to be friends with her. I felt like I was betraying my other friend. She had the nerve to take a shot at me about my unemployment. That is the difference between the two of us. I was upset over her drinking and driving and focused only on that. She makes personal attacks about my unemployment situation. I do not need toxic friends in my life and ended the friendship. I’ve never ended a friendship before. You can have disagreements with a person but I find personal attacks very immature and something true friends do not do. I will miss chatting with her. She is very funny. I do love and care for her but I can’t be friends with someone that engages in that behavior and then snaps on me for saying something. I tried too many times to talk to her about it and nothing changed.

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