Thursday, July 8, 2010

So What Do You Hide From Your Husband?

So what do you hide from your husband? Every woman hides something. I can just about guarantee 99 percent of women have hidden credit card statements at some point in their life. I am guilty of it. Lately what do I hide….Tony’s IRA statement. Everyone’s 401k’s and IRAs are not doing well with this economy but it sure is a Debbie downer when he comes in the door and there is the monthly statement with more money lost. I will leave the ones out that have a gain. Since it has been so long since he has seen the loss statements it is a bonus when he sees a gain…which does not happen often. Just today a new statement came in. I ran it upstairs to the office and quickly filed it away. I think his 401k is doing well at work so that is not a problem but nonetheless people do not like to see money lost.

So what else do I hide? Well when I was making money it was all the clothing I was buying but at that time Tony did not care. I did not tell him about the new dress I bought for my high school reunion until he saw it. Normally I can get away with saying “this old thing” but his mom was drilling me on the dress and flat out asked if it was new. URG! At least he did not care and with my coupon at Macy’s it was only $30. He knew how hard it was for me to find something to wear to my reunion so he was OK with it.

I don’t hide anything else from him but am curious as to what other wives do.

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