Thursday, July 8, 2010

Interviews and Hot Dogs

I had an awesome phone interview today with a global supply chain company. I am certain I will get an in person interview. I am a perfect fit for the position. It may not be the money I am looking for but it is a permanent position and I know I would be happy. She is still conducting phone interviews for the next two weeks. Hopefully I hear after that about an in person interview.

I also got two phone calls from recruiters today. One is for a project manager position at a bank and the other is for a business analyst position at a credit union. The business analyst position is only 10 weeks but it will allow me to get back in the workforce for a bit. There is the possibility of it going out further, even turning into a permanent position but after hearing the description I may not be the right person. Who knows! She is submitting my resume so we will see what happens. The project manager job is 18-24 months. I would be great at that job and it would put me in a new area of the banking industry for me to expand my skills.

My phone interview I was supposed to have on Tuesday with the company I used to work for in WI did not happen. The woman ended up getting some urgent deadlines so I am waiting to hear back on a new day and time. My uncle still works there and is trying to see what is going on. It does not seem like they are in a hurry to hire right now so it could be drug out for a while. That is the one thing that is frustrating about job hunting. There are few jobs and most companies drag their feet with hiring.

Today I did not do anything fancy for dinner since I was occupied with job hunting and interviews. We had low fat hotdogs and pasta salad for dinner. Tony did not come home to me in a dress and apron. Rather sweat pants and a t-shirt. At least I was braless. Just as I type that he tries to grab a boob. Yup, that is my romantic husband. Sorry ladies, he is taken.

My orignal title of this posting was More Interviews. Tony suggested I change it so it catches the viewer's eye. So there you go...Interviews and Hot Dogs.

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