Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I have a love hate relationship by my genetics. There are many features I like and others not so much.

I am so thankful I did not get my mom’s ugly pinky toe. All my brother’s did. I got my dad’s cheek bones that I like. Hate being short but I can deal with it. My chances of heart disease are pretty high but I manage with my diet.

But the one thing I never thought I would see at my age just started showing up a few months ago. I have my dad’s forehead. I always knew my forehead took after grandma. It is high and defined and I liked it. But mix that with Dad’s wrinkles at the age of 28 and it is not looking so good now. I started trying collagen filler hoping it will help reduce the appearance of lines and it is NOT working. I need to find something stronger and I am not about to have a face lift before I turn 30…maybe when I turn 40. These wrinkles are not small baby wrinkles. They stretch straight across end to end of my forehead and there are three deep lines. Why do I have these? I am so young. Thank you genetics. Not even make up is reducing the appearance.

The other thing I hate the most other than my wrinkles is my ability to put on weight with little effort. I bust my butt to stay thin and it is so easy to put on weight. I have to eat like a rabbit to lose any weight. Since my knee surgery on December 8th I put on 4 pounds. It may not seem like a big deal to many but for me it takes a long time to get 4 pounds off. I knew I was going to put on weight after my surgery. With the holidays and the fact I was unable to exercise for three weeks really put damper on things. I finally got on my treadmill last night but am only able to walk at 2.5 with no incline. Never going to get the weight off going that speed for only 20 minutes! Saturday I weighed in at 140 pounds. Today was 138.6. Glad to see a few down but not good enough. The lowest I got to is when we were in Curacao in May. I was around 130-131. It was too skinny for me so not upset when I put on a few pounds. My happy weight is around 135-136 and I hope I get there by the time Tony and I go to Arizona. I am happy my size 4’s still fit me but a little snug. Mainly around my enormous ass.

I am sure genetics will continue to bit me in the ass as I get older. Speaking of my ass. I’ve about had it with my butt dimples. I slather on the cellulite cream every morning and every night. It does minimize the appearance but now I have to be careful with the pants I buy. If they are too thin I can see the dimples smiling through my pants. I started getting cellulite at the age of 24. It just did not show up dimple by dimple. One morning I woke up and discovered the collagen in my legs turned into a vacuum cleaner and sucked as much fat through as it could creating my butt dimples. I guess I cannot be too upset since about 80 to 90 percent of women have them. St. Ives Cellulite cream is what I use to minimize them.

The last thing that really bugged me about my genetics is my boobs. Ever since I was a little girl I looked at my mom then at her sisters and thought to myself I am going to have a nice rack. Well it never happened for me. My mom and my aunts are all D’s if not double DD’s and there I am with my tiny little A’s. Really….what the hell happened? Here I am now, the only one in my family that had to pay for my boobs and I still have the smallest chest. I bought C’s but they turned into D’s two years later when I had a growth spurt.

For now a feature I really love is my hair. I am not sure who in my family I got this thick head of blonde hair from. Bill and Jon both have thick blonde hair too. I have two stubborn gray hairs that show up every now and then but I pull them out. Nice thing with blonde hair is they hide out.

I just can’t wait as the years go on to find out more about my love hate relationship with genetics.

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