Monday, January 31, 2011

I'm Shrinking

I was so skeptical of the new weight watcher plan. I about passed out when I got on the scale Sunday morning. I weighed in at 135.8. Down 4.4 since starting the plan almost two weeks ago. I love that I get to eat all the fruit I want for no points. Tuesday is my weekly weigh in and that is the one that counts. Hopefully I am still around 136. I can already tell my jeans are fitting much better. Back to where I was before my surgery.

I started going to karate again two weeks ago. So far it has been going well. I cannot spar or do line drill for probably another month. I need to take it slow getting back into things. I can fell my other knee is having issues. They are not as bad as my knee I had surgery on but with six months of over compensating for the bad knee the other one's issues came out. Both my knees were damaged in the car accident I was in back in 1998.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm so happy that you are having success on the new WW plan! It definitely takes some getting used to, but I think it can work!
