Friday, September 10, 2010

Advancing in Karate!

I am so excited! I passed all but two items on my list to get my first degree brown belt for this month. I should be able to get my last two items passed next week. That means my next belt is BLACK!! There is a deputy black belt in between the first brown and black but technically it is still a first degree brown belt. They give you the new belt when you are halfway through your requirements. After I get my first degree brown belt I will officially be training for my black belt for probably the next six to nine months. It is going to be some grueling training. In Tuesday’s class we were practicing Shan Shin which is a breathing kata. The goal is to focus on your breathing and movements while the instructor breaks boards over you when you least expect it and you have to keep going through the kata without screwing up. For those of you not familiar with karate I think the best way to describe katas are martial arts dances. You have specific movements and technique that represent fighting off attackers. Tuesday rather than breaking boards Mr. O punched and kicked us. I would rather have a board broken over me than to receive one of his punches. Wednesday I could not figure out if my nausea was from my mini migraine or the punch. Yesterday in jujitsu class I wrestled with a 14 year old girl. Nothing like a shot to the ego when you get your ass kicked by a teenager. Mr. O is training her to be a ruthless fighter and national champion. She can take on most of the grown men in our classes. That makes me feel a bit better. She has been training since she was three years old. I did find her weakness by tickling her. Not legal in the sport but it got her the heck off of me.

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