Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Surgery Update

Warning: Not for people with weak stomachs

It has been a week and two days since my surgery and I am NOT having a great time. I have four incisions. Two healed up nicely and the other two are infected. I already had both of the stitches replaced twice. Yesterday was the day to take them out. I decided to cut the string on my own and pull it out with tweezers. I cut the first one and puss started oozing out. There is still a gaping hole. If I stuck my finger in it I probably could have felt an ovary.

Of course this is all my fault to begin with. I should never have attempted to vacuum my entire house not even 24 hours after surgery. The two that are infected are the ones that bled after vacuuming. They original stitches were with glue.

Right now I am on antibiotics to help clear up the infection. I had to use surgical strips to hold the openings together. The doctor did not want to glue it or restitch with the infection. Bad thing is I am allergic to adhesives so my skin is on fire. Hoping for a better week to come.

10/2/11 Update: This picture may gross out some of you. The redness is from my adhesive allergy. This picture was taken Saturday night and the surgical strips were pulled off Friday morning. They were only on for two days. My skin still looks the same. The areas I circled in green are from previous surgeries for endometriosis. The scars healed up nicely. The one circled in blue is one of four incisions from my current surgery that healed up with no problems. And then there is the obvious one that is infected. The other infected incision on the other side looks the same.

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