Sunday, January 9, 2011

My Wonderful Husband

Tony was awesome this weekend. I know I complained a bit in the past when there was lack of help but after a conversation we had last week I think things really are going to change. Not like he wasn't great before, more so than most husbands, but in this marriage I like to have a partnership and now what each other do is appreciated.

He worked on Saturday for half a day. The extra money will help us with our up coming vacation. When he was working I was doing my grocery shopping. When he got home I did not expect anything from him as far as house work since he did put in extra hours at work. However, he got right to it with cleaning the floors and folding laundry.

Then after we cleaned the house he helped out my friend by picking up a TV she bought and setting it up in her house. No complaints at all. He was happy to do it and play with her dogs. Now my friend and I are something else. We met at the job I have right now. There is about a 30 year age difference between us but we could not be more alike. Tony even sees it. It is amazing how the two of us has an instant connection like we were sisters in a past life.

Our trip to Arizona is coming up so soon. I can't wait for the mini vacation and to see Tony's cousins.

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