The weekend went by so fast. Saturday Tony and I celebrated my birthday early. We went to Milton's Pizza for dinner. I had a coupon for a free pizza for my birthday. Then we went to see Grown Ups at the theater. Grown Ups had mixed reviews. Tony and I laughed through the entire thing. If you like Adam Sandler and Chris Rock then you will like this movie.
Sunday we stuffed ourselves at dinner. I made the Hungry Girl cheese sticks, pasta, sausage, salad, garlic bread, and chocolate banana bread. Chocolate banana bread may sound disgusting but it is really good. It is low fat too so I do not feel guilty getting my chocolate fix with it.
I scored big time at Kroger yesterday. They had Gatorade and pasta roni for 49 cent each. Tony buys the Gatorade at the gas station for 2 for $5. I bought 30 of them for him so he can pack one with when he is out on the bike. Tony and I eat pasta roni a lot as a side with pork and chicken. I am happy when I see it on sale for $1 a box so with them at 49 cents a box I bought 20 boxes. I am sure we will go through all 20 boxes by the end of the year. Sounds funny to stock up on pasta roni and Gatorade but it will pay for itself.
My headaches are back today and I am miserable. I am sick to my stomach and the Excedrin is not working. I have a prescription for headache medicine the doctor in the ER gave me. I am starting to realize I am going to have to fill it. I do not like taking prescription pain meds but my over the counter meds are not working.
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